GPI 324

Gelatin Replacer in Dairy

Flans and Puddings

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GPI 324 is a cost-effective carrageenan blend designed to create the gel structure in dairy-based desserts like flans and puddings. It’s core functionality replaces gelatin and can reduce the amount of eggs needed in similar applications.

By replacing gelatin in flans, GPI 324 allows processors to develop vegetarian and Kosher friendly dairy desserts. It creates gels that hold its shape while keeping a soft, melt-in-your-mouth experience that enhances flavor release.

GPI 324 requires heat to be fully dissolved, making it ideal for hot-fill flans, baked cheesecakes, panna cottas, and other cooked dairy-based applications.

To develop flans with a creamier mouthfeel, see GPI 315. Fore more gelatin-free solutions, check out GPI 1136 for instant mousse, and GPI 6961 for vegan marhsmallows. 


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